What Pennsylvania Team Has The Most FAKE Twitter Followers?

Posted on November 9, 2022

With Elon Musk’s crackdown on fake/spam accounts since his acquisition of Twitter in October, how might Pennsylvania’s major sports teams be affected?

  • Highest Number of Fake Followers: Philadelphia Eagles = 1.67 million
  • Highest Percentage of Fake Followers: Philadelphia Flyers = 49.6%

The full rankings and further information can be found below.

Pennsylvania Sports Team With The Highest % of Fake Followers?

  • In ongoing news, Elon Musk is setting his sights on clearing fake/spam accounts off Twitter, but how could this affect Pennsylvania’s biggest sports teams online?
  • The Philadelphia Eagles could lose the most followers, with an estimated 1.67 million at risk.

In April, Elon Musk stated he would “die trying” in the fight to eradicate Twitter from spam accounts. With Musk’s recent acquisition of Twitter, there has been continuing news surrounding the plans, but how could this affect Pennsylvania’s biggest sports teams’ social media profiles?

While it makes sense that teams with a higher following are likely to lose more followers from Musk’s plans, where does each team rank based on their percentage of fake followers?

Pennsylvania Teams – Fake Twitter Follower Numbers

The table below shows each team in order of the percentage of fake followers:

# Team Number of Followers Percentage of Fake Followers Number of Fake Followers
1 Philadelphia Flyers 1,599,000 49.6% 793,000
2 Philadelphia Eagles 3,659,000 45.6% 1,668,000
3 Pittsburgh Penguins 1,874,000 45.0% 843,000
4 Pittsburgh Steelers 3,736,000 42.9% 1,603,000
5 Pittsburgh Pirates 794,000 41.5% 330,000
6 Philadelphia 76ers 2,251,000 40.3% 907,000
7 Philadelphia Phillies 1,977,000 39.9% 789,000

Number Of Twitter Followers Each Team Will Lose

The Eagles Set to Take the Biggest Hit on Twitter                  

While they fall behind the Steelers for overall follower numbers, the Eagles are set to be the most affected by Musk’s crackdown on fake accounts.

With a fake follower percentage of 45.6%, the Eagles could see a decline in around 1.67 million followers on Twitter, leaving them on a slightly less impressive 1.99 million.

The table below shows each team in order of the number of followers potentially lost:

# Team Number of Followers Fake Follower Percentage Number of Fake Followers
1 Philadelphia Eagles 3,659,000 45.6% 1,668,000
2 Pittsburgh Steelers 3,736,000 42.9% 1,603,000
3 Philadelphia 76ers 2,251,000 40.3% 907,000
4 Pittsburgh Penguins 1,874,000 45.0% 843,000
5 Philadelphia Flyers 1,599,000 49.6% 793,000
6 Philadelphia Phillies 1,977,000 39.9% 789,000
7 Pittsburgh Pirates 794,000 41.5% 330,000

So, how would each team’s follower number change if plans go ahead?

# Team Number of Followers New Follow Number
1 Pittsburgh Steelers 3,736,000 2,133,000
2 Philadelphia Eagles 3,659,000 1,991,000
3 Philadelphia 76ers 2,251,000 1,344,000
4 Philadelphia Phillies 1,977,000 1,188,000
5 Pittsburgh Penguins 1,874,000 1,031,000
6 Philadelphia Flyers 1,599,000 806,000
7 Pittsburgh Pirates 794,000 464,000

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Written by
Pete Amato

Pete Amato is the creator and content manager of Iggles.com. Pete is a huge Philadelphia sports fanatic with 10+ years of experience writing, producing, and managing creative content throughout all mediums. He has had the opportunity to implement creative strategies for a variety of sports media, sports betting, and online gaming platforms, as well as all throughout the online casino industry.

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